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about us


Surf Sisters for Science began as a conversation between surfers and scientists about the impacts of climate change that are witnessed from a surfboard. Now, we are continuing that conversation with the global community. Together, we can co-produce a greater understanding of how the oceans are changing and why it matters. 
- Trace Lane, Founder

We are a sisterhood of surfers, scientists, and adventurers united in defense of water, waves, and the communities that are defined by them.  


WE BELIEVE that water shapes the human experience. We understand surfing as an expression of the human relationship with water. Surfing is an ancient part of the human story which demands a deep understanding of the ocean. Because of this, surfers have a deeply rooted, uniquely informed perspective about how the oceans are changing. We believe it is time to activate our intersectional knowledge to unite surfers and scientists in pursuit of climate justice. We believe that a feminist recognition of intersectional knowledge about the changing climate is an integral component of climate justice. 


OUR VISION is a global community of environmental protectors connected by surf, science, and social justice telling the story of how the oceans are changing and why it matters using citizen science and citizen journalism. Through this work, we envision a world in which waves are understood, and protected, as unique places of ecological knowledge generation and cultural heritage practice. 

OUR MISSION is to empower people who identify as womxn in surf, science, and intersectional climate justice, bridging conventional climate science with different epistemologies of knowledge to co-create deeper understandings of how the oceans are changing and why it matters to communities on the front lines of impact.


We will resist the erasure of the human experience of climate change by reporting stories of climate impact that would otherwise be unheard. We will resist the erasure of climate science by increasing open-access climate data.  We will resist the erasure of womxn in science, surf, and a just transition to climate change. We privilege intersectional voices and forms of environmental knowledge.

OUR initiatives We will address our mission through these initiatives: citizen climate journalism, intersectional climate justice, citizen climate science, climate knowledge bridging, and climate action.

OUR programs We will carry out our initiatives through the Story Lab, the #HOW2 campaign, Wave Watchers, and UnPublished.

our inclusivity policyWe welcome the involvement of people who identify as cis-het male in sharing climate stories, sharing climate research, collaborating, and as allies. However, In order to hold space in surf, science, and climate justice for people who identify as female , BIPOC, non-binary, or LGBTQ,  we will privilege those perspectives and our travel experiences are not open to cis-het male participants. 

Surf Sisters for Science is a registered non-profit organization. 

ID#: 84-3280939

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